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    Important Disclaimer: This website ( is not affiliated with MyGreatLakes (

    It is designed solely to offer unofficial guides and resources for navigating MyGreatLakes. Filling out the “Contact Us” form will connect you with this website (, which will then provide references to official MyGreatLakes guides whenever possible.

    A Letter from Michael Johnson

    Greetings! I'm Michael Johnson, your student loan navigator here at Feeling lost at sea with your federal student loans? No worries!

    This website offers clear and concise tutorials to help you understand your loan details, explore repayment options, and navigate the entire loan management process.

    In this space, I'll be your guide as we demystify student loans. We'll explore different repayment plans, delve into forgiveness programs, and equip you with the knowledge to tackle your loans head-on.

    So, get ready to chart a course towards financial freedom! Let's conquer those student loans together with

    Take control of your future, Michael Johnson